Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting Ready To Leave!

Wow! Who would've known how much there is to do to get ready to leave the country! Part of our "getting ready" has included our family moving from Virginia to Tennessee. We finally pulled out last Thursday and are now official residents of the state of Tennessee! It has been bittersweet to leave Virginia, and hard to leave great friends, jobs, and a wonderful church, but we're sure God has much in store! Here are a few pictures of our departure from Virginia, and our many goodbyes!

Our church (Bible Holiness Church) had a very nice going away party for us, with a very creative cake!

Dana saying goodbye to her "Mommy Friends"

Attempting to get a quick family picture before one of our last Sundays at church.

Dana's last day at work, and her work going away party. ~Great friends that I will truly miss!

Philip's last day at work with his boss, John.

One tired little boy! Packing up is hard work!!

All packed up and ready to leave! Elijah loved riding up front with his daddy!


  1. Loved seeing all the pics. Kinda sad. That cake is awesome!!

  2. Wow! Enjoyed the update! And yes, that is quite a creative cake! Hope you can go on one of those safari trips while you're there. Love the picture of Elijah in the big truck - and the picture of the boys in the matching outfits is adorable!
